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Saturday, May 3, 2014
Does Primal Eating Really Work For Losing Weight?
If you are currently making an effort to lose weight, you are certainly not the only person who finds that they are in this position, as this is something that thousands of others are trying to do each day as well; at the same time, however, most of these people who are "trying to lose weight" end up finding no success whatsoever - and one of the reasons is that, quite simply, the approaches they are taking to weight loss give them no real chance of achieving success. One weight loss approach that has been growing in popularity in recent years is "primal eating," which basically calls for people to revert back to the sort of eating our hunter/gather ancestors indulged in - which, essentially, means no grains, no processed sugars, and no processed foods in general. Scientifically, the thinking here is really quite simple as well: basically, the human body takes carbohydrates and turns them into glucose (i.e., sugar), and when the body has an excessive amount of sugar in the bloodstream, it uuses insulin to get rid of all this sugar; this has two side effects, with the first being that the removal of sugar causes a "sugar crash," therby causing you to want to replace it in order to get more energy, and with the second being that insulin is now no longer to perform its other function, which is to burn your stored fat for energy! Of course, the question this brings up is whether or not this lifestyle actually works for helping a person lose weight - and the answer is that, if you stick to the prescribed eating regimen, it absolutely does work, enabling you to eat all the meats, veggies, and (within reason) nuts, and fruits you want to eat, while losing plenty of weight! There is certainly a great variety of approaches to weight loss, and each different person will have a different one that works best for them, but if you are looking for something new to try, primal eating is certainly one that is worth looking into! Be sure to check out The Primal Blueprint for more information!
Is It Good To Eat On A Schedule?
One thing that is odd is the fact that a lot of the advice you will find on “the right foods to eat,” or “the right ways to eat” conflict with one another, which often muddles the whole issue of knowing what to eat and when to eat; one aspect of this that especially tends to give people problems is whether or not it is good to eat on a schedule, and while some people and sources will tell you that eating on a schedule is good, and while others will tell you that eating on a schedule is bad, the true answer is: it all depends! The idea that breakfast is the most important meal of the day is one thing that is absolutely true, as breakfast will enable your body to start working, and to have energy heading into the day; this means that whether you are hungry or not when you wake up in the morning, you should always take the time and make the effort to get a good, healthy breakfast into your body before you start your day. It is certainly good to eat regularly in the rest of the day as well, but one thing to realize is that your body will often have cravings when it does not truly need food if you consume a fair amount of grains and sugars; because of this, it is important to have a set eating plan – as far as the times of day when you will typically aim to eat – if you regularly consume a fair amount of grains and sugars, as this will keep you from giving into your cravings, and will enable you to be much healthier as a result. On the other hand, if you tend to avoid grains and sugars for the most part, your body will also experience far fewer cravings, and will instead “tell you” when it needs food; if you avoid grains and sugars in your regular diet, you can pretty much avoid the whole “eating on a schedule” thing, and can instead listen to your body, putting food into it when you feel hungry, and not putting food into it when you are not particularly in the mood for food. Healthy eating is sometimes complicated and confusing, but with this information in mind, you will at least know whether you should be eating on a schedule, or can instead simply listen to what your body is saying.
Friday, May 2, 2014
How To Get Into Swimsuit Shape
Trying to get into what one would call "swimsuit shape" is one thing that tends to give a lot of people problems - and if you have a tropical vacation coming up in the winter, this can be even more difficult to do, as it is tougher to really sculpt your body the way you might like when it is cold outside; at the same time, however, it is entirely possible for you to get your body into swimsuit shape, no matter what time of year it is, as long as you keep a few simple things in mind. If you are wanting to get into swimsuit shape, the first thing you will need to realize is that you can train your genes to burn fat, and if you want to do this, one of the best ways is by realizing that when it comes to eating, more is less; rather than eating "three square meals a day," get in the habit of eating five or six smaller (healthy!) meals a day, and this will help your body to burn fat on its own. You should also be aware of the fact that getting your body into swimsuit shape will generally entail getting your body fit and toned, and in order to do this, you will want to combine your "more is less" approach to eating with a "less is more" approach to working out. When you do a lot of walking (instead of putting unnecessary strain on your back and joints by running!) and do some lifting just a few days a week, you will tone your muscles, encourage your body to lose fat, and keep your body from experiencing cravings for sugar and carbs - all of which will add up to a much better "swimsuit body." Combine these things with plenty of rest (making sure you are giving your body as much sleep each night as it requires), and you will soon find that you are in tremendous swimsuit shape - with a whole lot less work than you may have thought this process would have required at the start!
Thursday, May 1, 2014
A Look At Foods To Avoid In Order To Lose Weight
The weight loss industry is one of the most lucrative industries in the world, as "losing weight" is something a lot of people want to do, and is something most of these people do not understand; of course, one of the reasons the weight loss industry is so lucrative is because many of these companies capitalize on the fact that most people do not understand what they are doing - but the truth is, weight loss is quite simple, as long as you understand a few foods to avoid. Most people are fully aware of the fact that they need to cut sugar out of their diet in order to start shedding some of those extra pounds, as the body pretty much takes sugar and turns it directly into fat, but what a lot of people fail to realize is that the body also takes grains (and other forms of excessive carbs) and turns them into sugar; because of this, you should avoid breads and pastas if you want to lose weight, as they provide little nutrition and lots of "sugar"! Another thing to that will be important for you to understand is that not all "healthy" foods should be a staple in your diet; even though fruit is healthy, a lot of fruit is packed with carbs, and you will want to avoid excessive consumption of these fruits (such as bananas, oranges, and pineapple), as these will actually cause you to put on weight if you make them too big a part of your diet. And in the same vein as avoiding making fruits a huge part of our diet, you should also avoid excessive consumption of fruit juices (such as orange juice, apple juice, pineapple juice, et cetera), as these juices lack the fiber you will get from the fruits themselves, but have an excess of the carbs you will find in these fruits - which makes them a bad thing to add to your diet if you are trying to lose weight. Trying to lose weight can be a frustrating experience, as there are a lot of things that go into this process, but if you cut out these foods (along with sugar, of course!) and get some regular, light exercise, you will be well on your way to shedding those extra pounds!
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Calming Your Nerves
When you find yourself in a situation where your nerves are “rattled,” this can be a bit frustrating, as it can hinder your progress throughout the remainder of your day; of course, there are lots of different things that might make someone end up feeling as if their nerves are a bit unsettled, but more important than knowing exactly what causes different people to become unsettled is knowing what you yourself can do to fix the problem when you are in this position. Often times, people go hours (or even days) with nerves that are unsettled before they even realize that this is the problem that has been plaguing them during this time; because of this, the first step to calming your nerves when they are unsettled is to be able to identify when your nerves are rattled – after all, you cannot fix the problem until you know the problem exists! Once you have successfully identified the fact that your nerves are unsettled, the next thing you will want to do is search back through your memory and figure out exactly what it was that caused you to be in this state; when you do this, you will be able to pinpoint exactly what it was that caused this problem, which will make it a whole lot easier for you to make the problem go away. And in order to calm your nerves, the final thing you will need to do is this: take the thing that unsettled you in the first place, and put that thing out of your mind, working to usher in calming, soothing thoughts instead. Even though this is, naturally, not always as easy as it sounds, making this conscious effort to dwell on positive things instead of on the negative will go a long way toward allowing you to unwind when you are in that tough position of having rattled nerves!
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Give Backpacking a Try With Your Children.
The thought of taking a child backpacking can be intimidating at first even to people who have packed their whole life. This hesitation is unfortunate for a number of reasons. Children love to explore their environment, and adventure. Here are just a few things to consider when thinking about taking your child backpacking: You first you must find the perfect backpack to fit the size of your child. Here are some suggestions that may work for your child. If your child is around the age of 6 they should be able to carry childrens Camelpak, with a few snaks, an emergency blanket, and a safetly whistle. As they grow, they will be able to grow into larger packs and carry more weight and more of their own gear. It doesn't take long for children to be able to carry more either. In only a couple of years they can carry their clothing and their ultra light sleeping bag on heir own. You will see your child grow from a small camelbak to a daypack or a school backpack for your trips with them. By the time they are 9 they may even fit into their first rigid pack depending on their size! You can expect your child to be as excited as you are to go backpacking if you start taking them with you. One big concern about taking your child backpacking is their safety. Although you can never guarantee anything in life, you can do what you can to keep them safe. It comes down to some simple rules for kids to follow. They should stay in sight at all times. Children must next understand that if they are to get lost, they must stay put and blow on a safety whistle to draw attention. Make sure your child understands how to use a safety blanket in case the worst happens. Backpacking can be a safe and rewarding hobby for both adults and children alike. Plus it is a bonus to see the world through your childs eyes. You child will also love the time they get to spend with you!
Taking A Look At Three Healthy Mid-Morning Snacks
You are probably aware of the fact that breakfast is considered to be the most important meal of the day (after all, it is the first thing you eat after sleeping all night, and it is necessary for providing you with energy at the start of the day), but what you might not have thought about is the importance of that mid-morning snack you tend to have. After breakfast has passed, and when lunch still has yet to roll around, many people get hungry enough to indulge in a little snack, and because it is not technically a "meal," they do not pay much attention to exactly what it is they are eating; they end up grabbing something from the vending machine and they think nothing of it, but you should make sure your mid-morning snack is something beneficial! Fruit:Fruit will give you the energy and the nutrition you need in order to keep going through the morning, and it is easy to bring with you to work; what's more, fruit is inexpensive (certainly far less expensive than going to the vending machine each morning!), and it is easy to eat on the go. Cheerios: Oats are good to put into your body, as they will give you energy and help lower your bad cholesterol; by bringing a baggie of Cheerios (or another favorite cereal) with you to work, you will have something healthy and easy to snack on halfway through the morning. Yogurt: If the office where you work has a refrigerator, yogurt is a great snack to add to the middle of your morning; plain yogurt (with no sugar!) is the healthiest option, and you can add a bit of flavor and sweetness to your yogurt (without sacrificing the health benefits) by stirring in some honey before you start to eat. Begin to pay attention to what you are putting into your body as part of your mid-morning snack, and you will start to see a big difference - not only in the way you feel as far as health, but also in the way you feel as far as energy for the rest of the day!
Monday, April 28, 2014
Wearing The Best Clothes For Aerobic Workouts
When you work out, you want to make sure that your performance matches up with your capacity for performance. One of the biggest limitations you can put on yourself when working out is a wardrobe that fails to help you in your quest for high performance. You need to make sure you know the right clothes to wear for working out; in this way, you can dress in such a way that your aerobic workouts will have success. While some people think that their workout time is a great opportunity to "look good," they are taking the wrong path when using this approach. Rather than wearing clothes that cost a lot of money and that look good during your travels to and from the gym, you should select clothes that you can sweat in. There are many inexpensive options for aerobic workout clothes that fit this bill. For your aerobic workouts, look for clothes that are loose-fitting and lightweight, and that are made of breathable materials. You can go to just about any sporting goods store to find clothes like this, or you can just go to the back of your closet or those boxes in the attic! You probably have plenty of old sweatpants and shorts, plenty of lightweight shirts and tanktops. Another very important part of your aerobic workout is choosing the right shoes. While you might have held back during your purchases of workout clothes, shoe shopping for your workout is a good time to break out the checkbook. Sure, workout shoes can seem pricey, but if you end up with sore feet, that price will look a whole lot better. Make sure you shop for shoes carefully, picking out a pair that are comfortable and sturdy, and that offer good support. Remember that there are different shoes for different kinds of workouts. You do not want to purchase long-distance running shoes for your aerobic workout. You don't want shoes that are made for hiking! Make sure you pick out a pair of well-made shoes that are lightweight and comfortable for your aerobic workouts. It might seem silly to put so much thought into the clothes you wear for your workouts. But it is much better to take time on this than to suffer the consequences of ruined clothes and sore feet! You will be set to focus on the stuff that really matters once you have picked out your proper attire - the aerobic workout itself.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Finding Foods That are Easy on the Stomach During Pregnancy
Sometimes when you are in the early part of pregnancy eating any type of food can be torture. Search for foods that are easy on the stomach but pack a healthy dose of what you need. Below are some suggestions of foods that may work for you. Fresh fruits can be somewhat easier on a queasy stomach for some people. Strawberries and orange juice are two things that may or may not work for you. The acidity may be a bit high for some people, but if you can eat them they are very high in vitamin c and also foliate. Bananas are high in foliate and potassium. These are both things that pregnant women need very much. If you are struggling eating beef or chicken, try reaching for a yogert instead. Both high in proteins and also boasting probiots, yogert can definately benefit your health. Probiotics have been noted to assist in reducing the risk of yeast infections and also assist in your immune system health. Another thing you can eat is a fortified hot cereal such as Malt-o-meal. Malt-o-meal is high in protein and also in foliate. Mild tasting lentils are also something worth trying out. Lentils are high in protein, iron, and fiber, which are all things that a pregnant woman desperately need. Another great mildly flavored food to try is Quinoa. This has a mild nutty flavor and is high in protein and iron. A nice hot breakfast can be made with quinoa if you add a handfull of raisins and a bit of brown sugar. If you can stomach figs they can be a good source of both iron and fiber. These are sweet fruits that go down pretty easily. A hand full of nuts can also be an easy small snack that carries some decent nutrition. These are high fiber and have some great omega fatty acids in them. There is no question that it is important for any mother to be to eat as well as they can during pregnancy. When nothing is sitting well on your stomach it is hard to eat well. Give some of these foods a try and see what combination may work for you.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Regular Maintenance on Your Teeth Helps Prevent Issues
Good health starts and ends with preventative maintenance. This must be done in order to minimize the risk of health problems throughout a lifetime. One of the best ways to avoid the flu is by getting a flu shot before the flu season. Stretching before exercise is the best way to avoid any muscle pulls. Tooth care also includes many of these same ideas. A thorough cleaning for your teeth on a daily basis is one of the best ways to avoid problems with them. An even more efficient way of cleaning every day is no available with the advances in tooth care technology over the years. The Philips Sonicare Rechargeable Sonic Toothbrush cleans your teeth like never before. Plaque and other substances can be left dug into different parts of your teeth when using old toothbrushes. Sonic technology in this toothbrush makes sure that it cleans your teeth better than ever before. It makes your teeth feel like you just visited the dentist every time you brush. These results are achieved with a variety of different methods. The three different cleaning modes you can choose from is one of them. The brush turns off automatically after each of these cleaning cycles, which last two minutes. Two different cleaning routines are also available to choose from. One of them is go clean and the other is max care. For a quick brush between regular cleanings go clean is the one to use. For your regular cleaning each day use the max care setting. Maintaining your dental health with a switch to a sonicare toothbrush is definitely a great choice. These automatic toothbrushes are recommended by dental professionals everywhere. The competition in automatic toothbrush technology fails to measure up to the philips sonicare toothbrush. It has an increased battery time in between charges and has been proven to remove more plaque than other brushes. The best tooth care available at home is what you get when you add up all of these advantages.
Friday, April 25, 2014
Can You Really Get Better Balance And Energy From A Necklace Or Bracelet?
As people look for any way to get "an edge" - whether in work, in sports, or just in general - plenty of different "miracle products" emerge that sound absurd on the surface, but that still cause people to ask quietly, "Does it actually work?" Over recent years, one such product that has started to emerge is bracelets and necklaces that are purported to increase the energy and balance the wearer has in their body, using some sort of scientific mastery to achieve this effect; and of course (as absurd as this product sounds), people naturally want to know whether this product really does work. The product you are most likely to see being sold by "salesmen" (and being displayed in infomercials) is the Power Balance Bracelet, which claims to do something involving ions and holograms (and some other mumbo jumbo). Many people are thrilled when they have a "test" performed on them with this bracelet on, as the salesman will try to cause the prospective buyer to lose their balance, first without the bracelet on and then with the bracelet on; despite the impressive sales pitch, there is no scientific backing to say that this product works, and most have found that it does not! On the other hand, there is also the Star Necklace by Phiten, which you may have seen being worn by such athletes as Josh Beckett, Matt Hasselbeck, Joba Chamberlin, and most of the members of the Rangers team that reached the 2010 World Series. This product has titanium in the necklace, and while some scientists claim that such a small amount of titanium would be incapable of having an effect on the body, scientific evidence does suggest that titanium can have positive effects on the body, and lots of people who wear these necklaces claim that they have worked for them. While there is no definitive proof that the Phiten Star Necklace and the Phiten Star Bracelet actually work, there is also no definitive proof that they do not work; and with the way in which so many people have become convinced of their effectiveness, they are definitely worth a try!
How To Stay Healthy In Cold Weather
People are much more susceptible to sickness when the weather is cold, but while this is going to be the case regardless of the measures you take, there are still a number of things you can do to keep yourself healthy when the weather turns cold - after all, unlike spring and summer (when airborne allergens can make you sick, and there is little you can do!), the cold is fairly easy to protect against. Realize that keeping heat in your body will be important if you are wanting to keep yourself from getting sick in cold weather, and more heat escapes your body through your head than through any other part of you; in addition to keeping your head covered in the cold, you will also want to keep your extremities (fingers and feet) warm, and will want to keep your chest covered with layers. One thing that you may think of as minor, but can actually make a big difference, is scraping frost off your car in the morning, and then driving into work in a cold car; instead of doing this, go outside about 15 minutes early and turn your car (and the defroster) on, so that your car will be warm, and your windshield will be cleared, by the time you get out there - realizing that the small amount of extra money you will spend in gas will be worth it for keeping you healthy! And finally, realize that it is important to keep your body clean if you want to stay healthy, and because it can be so cold to prepare for a shower when it is cold in your house (and because you may not be sweating as much when it is cold), it is easy to push showers off for a day or two; make sure you are still showering daily, however, in order to stay healthy! When you follow these tips (and when you make sure your children are following these tips as well!), you will be able to keep a healthy family all throughout the winter.
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Understanding What To Look For When Picking Fruits
It can sometimes be difficult to know exactly what you are looking for when you are shopping for fruit at the grocery store, and this can be frustrating, as you will sometimes come home with a week's worth of fruit that is actually not worth eating at all. For this reason, it is good to know the tricks for selecting good fruit, and while there are lots of different types of fruit – and while there are lots of different fruits to select from – here are the most important things to look for when selecting three of the most popular fruits: apples, oranges, and bananas. Apples: It can somtimes be a bit more difficult to pick apples than to pick other fruits, as color is not the clearest indicator of whether an apple is good or not; as you go through the bin of apples, spend a bit of time with each apple before you put it in the bag – making sure that there are no black spots on the apple, no severe bruises, and no extreme discoloration, so that you do not end up with one of those “bad apples that spoils the bunch.” Oranges: oranges are a bit easier than apples, as you can already eliminate about half the oranges in the bin simply by looking at color, as the brighter the orange of the skin, the juicier the orange is likely to be; as you pick up oranges that are a bright orange color, you will want to look for oranges that are mostly firm, as these will be the ones that are still holding their juice. Bananas: And it will mostly come down to what you are looking for when you are shopping for bananas; if you are wanting to eat your bananas right away, pick out bananas that are already yellow, but if you are wanting to wait a little while before eating bananas, you will be just fine picking out bananas that are still green. Making sure you are selecting good fruit can sometimes be a bit of work, but when you get this good fruit home and it is available to you to eat, it will be well worth the effort!
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Should You Spend the Extra Money to Buy Organic Free-Range Eggs?
Why are organic, free-range eggs so expensive? Is there some sort of taste improvement in the eggs? Are they more healthy? They certainly cost a heck of a lot more. Is it worth it to pay twice as much just so chickens have more satisfactory lives? If you read the packages, you'll probably find these three phrases on each: organic, free-range, and hormone-free. What do these terms mean? The word "organic" means the chickens who produced these eggs were fed all-natural feed, not feed produced under the influence of pesticides, and this means you get to eat natural eggs, untainted by pesticides. If you buy eggs from chickens who have been fed organic feed, you’re paying to avoid the risk of pesticides. If the eggs are labeled "hormone-free", this means the chickens were not injected or fed hormones to make them grow really fat or be disease-resistant or to turn into mega-egg producers. There is growing concern about the impact of these hormones on people, so you are paying more so you don't have to worry about the possible impact of those hormones on your body. If the package of eggs says free-range, that means the chickens were raised on a normal farm, able to run around, instead of in a huge chicken house where the chicken spends her entire life in a tiny cage, unable to even move. Chickens who live in these mega-henhouses are often unhealthy, since they are stacked one on top of another, unable to move even to eat, drink, or defecate. So yes, if you buy free-range eggs, you are paying for the chickens to have somewhat decent chicken lives, but you're also paying for those chickens to be healthy. The ultimate question: Do organic, free-range, hormone-free eggs taste better? Most people don't notice a difference in taste. The bottom line is this: buy the pricier eggs if you care about avoiding hormones, chemicals, and if you care about the quality of chicken lives.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Easy Exercises To Strengthen Your Core
One of the main things that people want to focus on when they are working out is their core (actually, one of the main things they want to focus on is their abs, and their core comes with this!), as a strong core will not only help them to tackle other workouts, but will also give their body that nice effect they have been hoping to achieve - but while the core is one of the main things most people focus on, it is also one of the main things that tends to give people a lot of problems! One of the first things you should realize is that your core muscles are probably much stronger than you realize, and may just be obscured by that belly fat you are working to get rid of, and one great way by which you can continue to keep your core strong while also helping your body lose that belly fat is by walking; when you walk, you not only strengthen your core and help yourself lose weight, but you also get your body working in such a way that it will continue burning fat on its own when you finish! You can also workout your core while you are simply working at your desk or watching television by getting an exercise ball; although these things might seem too good to be true, they actually do work, and all you have to do is sit upright while you do any other activity you would already have been doing!
And as you start making an effort to burn fat in other ways, simply tightening up your abs is one of the best ways for you to give those core muscles you cannot yet see a workout; if you tighten (or "flex") your abs - from the top all the way down to the bottom - for about 15 to 20 seconds on a consistent basis (something you can do while driving, while working, while walking, and during just about anything else), you will soon realize how great of a workout this gives your core - and in time, you will also be able to see the results! You absolutely do not need to go out and spend four thousand dollars on a machine to help you workout your core; keep these tips in mind, and you will be on your way to the abs (and the core!) you want to have.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Does Meditation Really Produce Health Benefits?
Have you ever been stressed out and wondered if you should try meditating, but then laughed off the idea? Meditation delivers excellent health benefits at a bargain price; it’s free. Consider the following medically proven health benefits of regular meditation. Meditation works to diffuse the impact of stress upon your body. If you're a typical American, you probably live a stressful life and pack too much into your schedule. Even a short stint of meditation--such as fifteen minutes a day--will reduce your body's production of cordisol. What’s cortisol? Cordisol is a hormone your body produces in response to stress; too much cordisol leads to a variety of health issues. Meditation protects your heart. Every time you meditate, your body responds by lowering your blood pressure and slowing your heart rate. It is also believed to bolster your body’s ability to heal, which is why the Mayo Clinic recommended daily meditation for its cancer patients and provides classes on how to meditate. Meditation improves mental accuity and mood. Scientists have compared the brains of monks (who have established meditation practices) with average people (who don't meditate) and found the monks had more brain activity than the average people. They found that the monks had enlarged hippocampuses; this part of the brain is responsible for feelings of well being. Overall, meditators report impressive abilities to focus on tasks. Is it easy to begin a meditation practice? Simply put aside fifteen minutes a day for meditation. Find a quiet place, set a timer, sit comfortably, and close your eyes. Think about one word and nothing else. Distracting thoughts will try to dissuade you, but you will ignore those thoughts and return to the one chosen word. Stay still and focus on that word until your alarm goes off. Increase your meditation commitment by small increments until you’ve established a meditation practice you find rewarding.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Tips For Taking Care Of Your Teeth
It is pretty easy to take care of your teeth - the most important things for you to do is to brush and floss a two times every day - but many people still neglect to do these simple things, and it ends up costing them (in money and trouble!) in the long run! If you are being wise and taking care of your teeth the way you should, it is likely that you are always keeping an eye out for any new things you can do to make sure your teeth remain in great shape. Making sure you are eating foods that will be good for your teeth is one of the best things you can do to keep your teeth in great shape. Not only is it great for your body to eat raw fruits and veggies, but these foods are also great for your teeth for a number of reasons, as they help to remove plaque from your teeth, and they help to prevent the build-up of tartar. Another thing that is good for you is foods that are rich in calcium; foods such as yogurt and cheese help to keep your teeth strong and healthy, and cheese even helps to rebuild your tooth enamel and neutralize acids that can cause tooth decay! And of course, dark, green leafy veggies are good, and even though you might not be a big fan of the taste of broccoli or spinach, these and other dark green leafy vegetables will help to prevent inflammation in your gums as they strengthen your gum tissue. And one thing that will be important to realize is that you will need to keep yourself aware of the fact that sugar is one of the biggest contributing factors to an unhealthy mouth, and if you eat sugar, you should make sure that you brush your teeth immediately! By making sure you are keeping all these things in mind, you can actually keep your teeth healthy through more ways than just brushing and flossing, ensuring that your teeth remain strong and healthy for a long time!
Should You Take Vitamin C Supplements?
Vitamin C supplements have enjoyed popularity for decades, but recent findings are changing who is taking them and for what reasons. Find out what the latest studies have to say about vitamin C. Why do you need vitamin C? Common health advice used to tell us vitamin C was the miracle cold cure and preventor, but current studies suggest vitamin C doesn't help us much when it comes to dealing with the common cold. It does, however, lower your vulnerability to heart diease and cancer, which are much more significant than a cold, and it also is hoped to slow eyesight degeneration associated with age. What are the best natural sources of vitamin C? The best natural way to get vitamin C is to eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, with an emphasis on citrus. You can also carefully select beverages and foods that are fortified with vitamin C. Make sure you estimate how much vitamin C you are getting from natural and fortified sources when you calculate out how much you might need from a supplement. How much vitamin C do you need in a day? Healthy adults should get a minimum of 75 mg and a maximum of 2000 mg a day. Any dose over 2000 mg will put you at risk of undesirable side effects. When dosing children, consider age, weight, and how much vitamin C the child gets through food and beverages, since many child-friendly products are fortified. In particular, pregnant women should be careful not to consume more than 2000 IU a day since studies have suggested overdosing can contribute to premature delivery and newborn cases of scurvy. Should you take vitamin C supplements? Doctors currently feel you benefit most from natural sources of vitamin C, although they don't discount the secondary value of supplements. It appears that the best benefits come from natural sources of vitamin C, but it can be difficult to get enough vitamin C just through diet. Try taking a vitamin C supplement along with food for best results. Vitamin C supplements are currently still considered a good idea, but you should still try to eat as much vitamin C as possible through your meal plan choices and use supplements to close the gap.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Tips for Optimal Emotional Health
Feeling down in the dumps? Having trouble finding the positive? Try these mood boosters that will truly improve your emotional health. Explore the magic of exercise. If you simply commit to 20-30 minutes of exercise each day, your body will feel as if you've been given a mild antidepressant. You'll want to try all kinds of exercise until you determine what you like to do enough to do it on a regular basis. You'll discover how exercise can tone you up and help you feel more optimistic over all. Invest in time with people you like. You probably need time with a close friend or social interactions with another person. Be the one who initiates, even if it feels scary or burdensome at first. If something negative have been dominating your life (work, a bad relationship, tough parenting situation), take some time away from it and talk to a friend who understands. Give a good belly laugh. Laughter is one of the best mood boosters around. Rent a comedy, read a joke book, or call a friend who always makes you giggle. You may even be able to find a laughter therapy group. No kidding! Laughter therapy has helped many people get a better perspective. Take Saint John’s Wort, B vitamins, and vitamin D. Supplements may give you just enough support to help you experience a mood shift. All of these vitamins and supplements support emotional health. However, you should consult your doctor if you have allergies to flowers or plants before you try Saint John's Wort.
Consider seeing a therapist. A therapist can provide a confidential place to talk about what is bothering you and find solutions. In most cases, your insurance will cover the visits, and you don't have to go forever just because you go once. Insist on protecting your emotional health. Your emotional health is interconnected with your physical health, and both of these affect your relationships. Be well!
Friday, April 18, 2014
Help! Five Stress Relief Tips You Can Use Right Now
Need stress relief NOW? Can't make it another moment? The following five stress relief tips will help you immediately. Get out of the situation. If a meeting is out of control, excuse yourself to the restroom. Are your children fighting like crazy? Send them to safe places and get away to a separate room where you can think. Spouse pushing your buttons? Request a few moments alone to think clearly. Is the stressful situation a larger scale problem? Schedule a day off. Just by walking away, you will feel your stress level drop. Spend that precious short amount of time decompressing as much as possible. Breathe deeply. Deep breathing exercises force your body to return to a more normal physical response, instead of staying in fight or flight mode. Pay attention to your breath as you inhale, hold it, and then slowly exhale. When you feel calm enough to handle the situation, return. Think about the big picture. Ask yourself if this is important when you think about your life as a whole. Is your job on the line? Your relationship with your child or spouse? Your health? What other parts of your life are going well? Can the problem at hand be fixed easily? Determine what is rightfully your part of this problem. Determine what you can reasonably do. Using the new persepctive you've gained, plan out what you can do to help solve the problem. Surrender whatever is not your responsibility, decide to do what you can do to help out, and let go of expectations for anything else. Try to promote a peaceful approach to the problem. If others are still stressed out when you return, try to help them see there are solutions. Look for ways to work together, avoid blame, and find answers. It's essential to have a plan for stressful situations. If your life is high-stress, you may want to build stress relief techniques into your daily routine.
Tips For Dealing With An Addiction
It can be a frustrating and even demeaning experience to deal with an addiction of any sort, as you will end up going through times when you want nothing more than to not be affected by this addiction, but when you cannot seem to get away from it in spite of this fact; some people (usually people who have never dealt with the addiction you are fighting) will tell you that it is simply a matter of will power, but in truth, addictions are much more complex and complicated than this. The first step to overcoming an addiction is to simply admit that you have a problem; this seems simple on the surface, but the truth is, a lot of people who struggle with an addiction will spend plenty of time justifying this addiction and claiming that it is not really that big of a problem, and this only causes the addiction to become stronger and stronger in their life! Once you have admitted that you have a problem, the next step you need to take is telling someone else about the struggle you are dealing with; this can be an extremely difficult step to take, but realize that it is nearly impossible to fight an addiction on your own - but when you admit to someone else that you are fighting this addiction, they will be able to add their strength to yours in helping you to combat it. And finally, you will want to understand that it can be easy to get overwhelmed when you are fighting an addiction, especially if you try to look at the big picture of it, but if you narrow your focus and learn to take things one day - and one decision - at a time, it will make it a lot easier for you to come out triumphant in the end! When it comes to fighting an addiction, there is no "perfect way" to do so, as an addiction can be a messy and frustrating thing to deal with in the first place, but when you take this approach, you will at least be on the right road, and will be able to take this road step by step to your recovery.
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Do Low Carb Fad Diets Work?
Have you thought about trying a low carb fad diet? Before you commit yourself to the latest low carb fad diet, you’ll want to check out the scientific evidence behind these weight loss plans. Low carb and no carb diet plans assert that you will lose weight if you severely limit the number of carbs you eat each day. The trustworthy premise behind this diet plan is that a low carb diet keeps your blood sugar low—ask any diabetic—and therefore decreases your body’s production of insulin. Insulin production can cause your body to store calories as fat. Most people do indeed experience a drop in weight when they follow a low carb diet plan. However, most of these low carb plans don’t limit how many calories you can consume. The concept that you can eat as much as you want (as long as it’s low or no carb) and still lose weight was recently challenged by a study commissioned by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health. This study oversaw the weight loss efforts of 800 adults using four different diet plans, low carb included. The results of the study showed that you need to count calories and limit caloric intake if you wish to lose weight and keep it off. Many dieters who have tried low carb fad diets claim they can't stay on the diet long term because the craving for carbs is too intense. Your body requires carbs for energy, so the cravings can be too much to resist. One last concern is the serious loss of energy most people on these diets experience. Carbohydrates are necessary for energy, especially if you want to combine exercise with your diet plan. If you don’t eat carbs, it’s very challenging to perform well athletically. You may need to sneak in a few carbs in order to exercise, which is essential for muscle tone. Now you know the truth about low carb fad diets.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
A Blood Pressure Monitor that is Quick and Accurate
Something that is recommended by many people in the health services industries is blood pressure monitoring. Physicians assistants, nurses, and diabetes educators are just a few of the groups of people who recommend this monitoring. Home blood pressure monitoring is great for a variety of different reasons and they all agree upon this. You need to have a monitor that is easy to use and accurate if you are going to be monitoring your blood pressure at home. This is where the Omron DLX Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor comes in to potentially save your life. One of the biggest reasons that professionals recommend monitoring blood pressure at home is that it provides them with better information. They have a better chance at diagnosing a problem when they are provided with more information. If you want to efficiently detect certain kinds of hypertension problems home blood pressure monitoring must be done. Morning, masked, and white coat are three different types of hypertension that can be found. You will generally not be in a doctor's office when these three different kinds of hypertension occur since they are associated with odd times of the day. A blood pressure reading that is higher at your doctor's office than it is when taken at home is white coat hypertension and is hard to detect. The type of hypertension that signifies lower readings in your doctor office than they are at home is called masked. Morning hypertension simply means that your blood pressure is higher when you wake in the morning. These are just three of the many reasons that your blood pressure should be monitored at home. A fluctuating blood pressure reading can be had due to these hypertension issues as well as many other factors most are ignorant of. Serious health complications can result if you leave yourself unchecked. Monitor your blood pressure at home and document the readings. Your doctor will be provided with a complete picture of your blood pressure as a result. A plain that is tailored to your specific needs will then be a possibility.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Understanding The Three Simple Steps For Having Healthy Teeth
Taking care of your teeth as well as you should can sometimes seem like an inconvenience, but it is an even bigger inconvenience to have to deal with the consequences - later in life - of having not taken good care of your teeth right now! Even though it can take a lot of practice and "remembering" in order to get into the habit of taking good care of your teeth, it will be worth it in the long run, when you still have the same, healthy teeth you have had all your life - and when you are saving money by not having to have your teeth fixed all the time! Of course, the most important part of keeping your teeth healthy is brushing them, but while most people remember to brush twice per day, they fail to realize that this is actually not doing them quite as much good as they might imagine. Chances are, you brush your teeth two times each day, but you eat three or four times eady day - and every time you eat and do not brush your teeth afterward, that food is sitting on your teeth; you should get into the habit of keeping travel toothpaste and a travel toothbrush with you, and brushing after every meal! Flossing is also a big part of keeping your teeth healthy, as that will keep food from sitting between your teeth and in your gums; by flossing every night, you can prevent gum disease from occurring, and can also keep your teeth healthier. Finally, make sure you are using mouthwash to keep your mouth healthy; you should use mouthwash every night, as this will help your breath smell good, will remove plaque, and will also just make your mouth feel good! When you get into the habit of brushing after every meal, flossing at night, and using mouthwash at night, you will be able to keep your teeth healthy for a long time to come - enabling your mouth to keep its natural teeth, saving you money and protecting you from pain.
Exploring Nighttime Rituals To Help You Sleep
If you've ever had trouble sleeping, you know how frustrating this can be; after all, while it might be nice for a little while (it sure does give you a lot more time to work with!), your body will simply continue to get more and more tired, and this starts to become worse and worse if you are unable to sleep. While people might have a hard time sleeping for any of a variety of reasons, and while the solutions might be different for many different people, one common cause of having a hard time sleeping is simply being too “wound up,” and you can solve this problem by finding a ritual that helps you relax before you go to bed. While some people think of caffeine when they think of tea, there are many non-caffeinated teas as well; drinking something hot and tasty is often a great way to relax and unwind, so find a flavor of tea that you enjoy, and see if this helps you get to sleep any better. Another great way to unwind your mind and your body is to take a long, relaxing, hot shower; even if you usually shower in the morning, you might consider adding an extra shower at night, as this might be just the key you need in order to have an easier time falling asleep at night. And a lot of people find that reading helps them to relax and unwind at night; of course, if you are truly an avid reader (and if the book you are reading is really good), reading might not at all have the effect you intended – as it might wake you up instead of helping you fall asleep – but some people find that reading helps them transition into sleep, and it is certainly worth testing this out for yourself to see if it works. If you have been having trouble sleeping, keep these tips in mind – and you will be able to try different things until you find something that works great for you!
Monday, April 14, 2014
How To Cut Out Coffee
People sometimes jokingly say that coffee is the most widely available drug, but even though this is said as a joke, the truth is, coffee is a stimulant much along the lines of a drug; of course, coffee does not have the adverse effects on the body that most drugs have, but if you try to quit drinking coffee, you are likely to find that the withdrawal symptoms you will experience can certainly feel like you are quitting something much harder than coffee - and for this reason, it will be important that you know a few things you can try in order to wean yourself off coffee if you have decided that this will be a good move for you. When it comes to cutting out coffee, one of the best things you can try is to scale back on your coffee consumption slowly; if you slowly cut back on your coffee intake, you will eventually get to a place where it is no longer necessary for you to have coffee in order to function, so start by figuring out how many milligrams of caffeine you typically consume in a day, and then try cutting back 20% of this original level every week until you are no longer dependent on coffee. You should also be aware of the fact that there are lots of alternatives to drinking coffee, but some are actually worse than coffee for your body; rather than switching to energy drinks that are packed with sugar and other unnatural ingredients, start eating some "energy foods" that will help to replace the energy in your body that your body has been used to getting from coffee. And quite frankly, the one thing your body needs more than anything else is water, and you can help your body make the transition away from coffee by giving it as much water as you can as you cut back on the coffee; water will make it less likely that you will end up having those awful caffeine headaches, and will also help to give you plenty of natural energy. Although your body will not get ruined by coffee in the same way it would get ruined by a drug, it is certainly nice to be able to have coffee as a treat instead of being dependent on it, and when you follow these tips, you will be that much closer to being able to cut coffee out of your needs completely.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Three Alternatives To Coffee
Depending on where you find your information, you will hear and read that coffee is either great for you, or it is absolutely terrible. One thing, however, is for certain: caffeine turns glucose into fat, which makes coffee with sugar bad. Also, coffee with cream or half and half is no better for you thank drinking that cream or half and half on your own. And finally - even if we are just talking about coffee - it's never exactly great to be "addicted to" something, or to be "dependent upon" something. If you are looking to balance your coffee drinking with something else, or if you are looking to move away from coffee entirely, these are three viable options. 1) Tea: Although the caffeine content in tea is lower than coffee, you will also find that it is a healthier alternative. Green tea can help with digestive disorders, and all tea contains antioxidants that are helpful in fighting diseases. Furthermore, green tea helps to maintain stable blood sugar levels for those who suffer from diabetes. Tea can also be consumed throughout the day, without the fear of adverse effects that comes from drinking coffee all day long. 2) Yerba Mate: While some people consider Yerba Mate to be a form of tea, it actually is not. Yerbe Mate comes from the yerba mate plant of South America. You can purchase packaged Yerbe Mate from such health food stores as Whole Foods, and it can be brewed in a traditional coffee pot. While Yerba Mate tends to have very low caffeine levels, it also has a stimulating effect on the body. This effect is very similar to that of coffee or of tea, but Yerbe Mate also has additional health benefits. If you are wanting to kick the coffee habit, consider Yerbe Mate; it has been called an acquired taste, but it just might be a good fit for you. 3) Fruit or vegetable juice: Drinking fruit juice or vegetable juice can be a great alternative to coffee. These drinks are full of vitamins, and if you make the drinks on your own or buy them organically made, you will avoid those piles of sugar and preservatives as well. These drinks might not give you the jump-start you are used to from coffee, but they are much better for you, and in time your body will feel clean and refreshed. Kicking the coffee habit is no easy task, but by trying a number of alternatives, you will be one step closer to moving on from your coffee addiction for good.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Finding An Outdoor Hobby To Keep Your Body Active
A lot of people do little to try to lose weight, and yet, they complain about the fact that they are not happy with their weight. Of course, one of the big reasons why a lot of these people do nothing to lose weight is because they think of exercise as a lot of "work." Actually, exercising can be plenty of fun, if you just find something you enjoy doing and begin to engage in it regularly. In this way, you will be able to lose weight and get in shape by participating in a "hobby" you enjoy instead of exercising solely to lose weight. One of the most basic of these "hobbies" is walking; although this can seem like "work" at first, many find walking to be relaxing. You will even get Vitamin D - which is one of the most important vitamins for our bodies - if you are able to walk while the sun is out. By walking, you can relax while also engaging in a low-impact, cardiovascular workout that will keep your body and heart healthy.
Swimming is another "hobby" that many people enjoy, and it can be done in your own pool, in a public pool, or even in a pool at a gym. Swimming can be an extremely enjoyable and relaxing activity, and it is also one of the best full-body workouts! Bicycling is another great workout, one that allows you to explore the world while exercising all at the same time! This can be an extremely fun and enjoyable way to get outdoors and to keep your entire body in great shape. A great exercise if you want to combine the ease of walking with the exploration of bicycling is hiking. With hiking, you can explore the world while also remaining in shape, and even if you live in an urban area, there are probably plenty of great places nearby to engage in hiking! Losing weight and staying in shape does not mean you have to hit the gym or run several miles each day; all you have to do is find an outdoor hobby you enjoy, and then stick to it!
Ten Healthy Snacks For Hungry Kids
Trying to help your kids lose weight, but aren’t sure how? Consider replacing their junk food snacks with some of the foods on this list. Begin with introducing all kinds of fresh fruit. Shop with your child for a bunch of different fruit and have taste tests at home. Offer both new and unusual fruits alongside the common options. Get an air popcorn popper and show your kids how much fun it is to pop and eat, even without the butter. Barely mist the popcorn and then salt it. If your kids love caramel corn, try air popped popcorn with a bit of low-cal pancake syrup; it's not a bad substitute. Get a bag of those pretzel thins and top with slivers of cheese. Buy a cheese with a decent amount of flavor so you won't need much cheese. Boil up some eggs. Set the kids loose to peel their own eggs; they'll have a blast eating them, and they'll feel satisfied for a long time because eggs are packed with protein. Most kids like them with paprika, salt, and pepper. Get silly with your kids and make ants on a log. Spread a modest amount of peanut butter on celery sticks and then place raisins or minitaure chocolate chips on top (which are the ants). Serve cut veggies with salad dressing. You can let older kids carve the vegetables into sculptures before eating them. Offer seasoned shrimp. Add a Cajun seasoning pack to the water and watch your kids gobble up this high-protein, low-cal snack. Cold cut roll ups. Roll up thin slices of lean meat with thin pieces of cheese, then stick a toothpick in each one. Get your kids hooked on smoothies instead of milkshakes. Combine frozen raspberries or strawberries with low calorie fruit juice and blend. You can put yogurt in if your kids like it that way. Buy some Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt contains two times the amount of protein as regular yogurt. You can find plenty of flavors; even chocolate! If you model healthy eating habits, your kids will be more likely to eat healthfully as well. Try picking up some healthy eating cookbooks for more ideas.
Friday, April 11, 2014
What Are Some Good Lunch Foods?
You have surely heard before that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day," but if you work full-time, lunch is definitely a close second, as lunch is the meal that you eat when you are about halfway through your work day. You can end up feeling sluggish and tired for the rest of the day if you are eating the wrong foods at lunch; if, on the other hand, you are eating the right foods, you can experience an energy boost that will set you up nicely for the stretch run. Firstly, there are two specific things to make sure you avoid during lunchtime: foods that have a lot of sugar in them, as these will give you a "crash" during the afternoon, and foods that are really heavy, as these will make you sleepy as your body works to digest them. Fruit is a great option for lunch, as it is full of natural energy and other nutrients your body needs, and it is easy to digest without making you tired; in addition to fruit, you can try getting a smoothie for lunch, as you will be able to enjoy the ease of "a meal you can drink" while still getting all the benefits of fruit. Another great source of natural energy is nuts; you can bring a baggie of mixed nuts with you, or you can pack some trail mix that will be tasty and easy to eat while giving you the energy you need! You can also eat the sandwich you are used to eating at luch if you are looking for something more substantial, but consider eating only half of it, instead of eating the whole thing; the main thing is that you should eat until you are "content," but not until you are "full," as eating until you are "full" will make you more tired! The afternoon might still bring that "2:30 feeling" your way, but when you make sure you are eating the right foods at lunch, that feeling will be a lot easier to deal with!
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